Pros and Cons of Switching Insurance Companies Mid-Policy-Term to Save Money

You've only had your new policy with your current auto insurance provider for a few months, but you get curious about how much you could save by switching companies. Sometimes, it is well worth it to make a change even though you are in the middle of an auto insurance policy term, but not always. Here is a look at some of the pros and cons of switching insurance companies in the middle of a policy term. [Read More]

4 Things You Need To Know Before Buying Home Insurance

If you're in the process of buying your first home, one of the important things you'll need to buy along with your new residence is home insurance coverage. Typically, your home insurance payment is lumped into your monthly escrow payment, but this can vary depending on the type of mortgage you're taking out. Either way, as you seek insurance coverage for your new home, there are some things you should know. [Read More]

What To Look For When You Renew Your Health Insurance Coverage

When it's time to renew your medical insurance, the one question that should be on your mind is "Am I getting the best deal available?" A lot of factors can change from the time you get your insurance to the time you renew it. If you simply decide to renew it without finding out what else is available, you could be settling for a lot less than you're entitled to. [Read More]

3 Ways To Make Managing Your Owner-Operator Truck Insurance Easier

As an owner-operator, you have to worry about handling everything related to your truck and your trucking business on your own. One thing that you have to worry about is making sure that you have ample insurance on your truck. Managing your insurance can be tough when you have so many other things to worry about, but these three tips can help make managing your truck insurance easy. 1. Get All of Your Insurance from One Company [Read More]