
Things to Understand About SR-22 and SR-26 Forms

If you are familiar with SR-22 insurance coverage, it is probably because you either have it right now or have in the past. SR-22 insurance coverage is a unique type of policy that is often required for people with too many driving violations, but it is not something that is typically required forever. If you currently have this coverage, you should also familiarize yourself with a form called an SR-26. An SR-26 can be good or bad, and here are a few things you should know about this.

3 Important Things That May Lower Your Auto Insurance Rate

Are you tired of paying for car insurance? Do you wish that you could avoid paying this bill for at least a few months so that you could catch up on other bills? Car and auto insurance can be expensive but it doesn't always have to be. There are things that you can do that can make your insurance rates drop dramatically so that they're more affordable. While not everyone will qualify for every discount, it can be worth checking to see if any of them will work for you.

Business Insurance And Understanding Your Certificate Of Liability

Do you own a small business? If so, you likely have business insurance or you may be shopping for a new policy. Some people are confused about pertinent business insurance documents. The Certificate of Liability Insurance is one of those documents. It serves as proof of business insurance. There are different types of business insurance available too. This is why businesses need to ensure that they select the right type of insurance.

True Training In Final Expense Insurance

Many people do not think about final expense insurance until it is too late. A big reason that people do not think of this important insurance is because people do not like to think about death. It is a dark topic and many people simply do not like to think of it. However, if a person passes on and leaves a great deal of debt to their loved ones they are doing them a disservice.

Five Good Reasons To Use Online Courses For Insurance Continuing Education

The insurance industry is one of the most dynamic fields in the United States. New federal and state laws that affect insurers and new products are continually being added. To be compliant and to do the best job possible for your customers, it's important for insurance agents to stay abreast of these new developments. If your office is like most insurance offices, you can't afford to close your doors for even a day so that your staff can be trained on new laws and new insurance products.

Deciding Whether or Not to Keep Your College Child on Your Auto Policy

If your child is moving to college, one of the decisions you will have to make is whether to keep them on your auto insurance policy or let them have a separate coverage. This decision may not be entirely up to you; other factors will influence it. These four questions will help steer you in the right direction: Is Your Child Taking the Car With Them? Some college kids leave their cars at home for use during vacation.

Could Your Household Income Be Impacting Your Auto-Insurance Rates?

Although most drivers are aware that the number of traffic tickets or prior at-fault accidents on their driving record can be enough to skyrocket their premium rates, many may be surprised to learn that a much more innocuous factor—household income—can be used by many insurance companies to assign risk and set rates. Read on to learn more about how this figure can be used to calculate your insurance-premium rate as well as learn about some options if you don't feel your income adequately reflects your riskiness as an insured driver.

What You Need To Know When You Are Required To Get An SR22 Certificate

When your license has been suspended, you may need to secure an SR22 certificate if you want to drive again. This certificate is issued by your car insurance company to prove that you have adequate car insurance coverage. Here are some things to know if you need this certificate. You are Likely to Pay More for Insurance  Whether you lose your license because you were at fault in a car accident or because you let your insurance lapse and got caught, be aware that car insurance providers are likely to consider you a high-risk driver if you need an SR22 certificate.