
Covering The Basics: What You Should Do Now That Your Teen Has A Driver's License

If your teenager has just passed his or her driver's test and now has a license to drive, you're probably feeling excited, but worried at the same time. You want to make sure your child is driving safely while sharing the road with others, not just for his or her own safety, but for the safety of others as well. Before allowing your teenager to officially drive your vehicle, there are some things you should do ahead of time.

Four Motorcycle Insurance Options You Should Consider Buying

If you own a motorcycle free and clear, there is only a certain minimum coverage you need to purchase according to your state's laws. But if you decide to do this, you may be making a mistake. Certain optional motorcycle insurance coverage can be very important, more so than with a car. The following are a few examples of optional coverage for your motorcycle that may benefit you. Certain aspects of comprehensive coverage

A Whole Life Insurance Policy Provides Certainty; Here's When Selecting A Permanent Policy Over A Term Policy Makes Sense

While it has become popular for financial advisors to warn their clients about whole life insurance policies, instead advising them to purchase a term life insurance policy and invest the difference in premiums, this can be a risky venture. It is true that premiums for whole life insurance policies are much higher than premiums for term life insurance policies; however, the reason for this is that whole life insurance policies guarantee payout of your death benefit as long as you continue paying your premiums.

3 Tips For Lowering Your Auto Insurance Premiums

Is the cost of continuing to drive your car almost prohibitively expensive? Have you seriously been considering selling your car and riding a bike or taking public transportation everywhere? Using alternate transportation can be a good idea when it's something that you want to do. If it's something that you're forced to do, it can be more than just a minor inconvenience. In many instances, spending less on your insurance would make driving a more reasonable and affordable option.

Of Tax Deductions And Auto Insurance Costs

Do you know you can apply tax deductions on your auto insurance premiums? This is a good way of managing auto insurance rates that many people don't know or understand. On that note, here are a few things you should be aware of before the tax seasons come: It Doesn't Apply To Personal Use Personal car insurance isn't eligible for tax deductions; the deductions only apply to cars used and insured for business purposes.

Why You Need To Reevaluate Your Insurance When You Retire

Your auto insurance is affected by so many things that you need to reevaluate your coverage, plus its rates, every time you reach a major milestone in your life. For example, it's wise to reevaluate your auto insurance after retirement because some of the changes associated with your retirement may increase or decrease your rates. Here are some of these changes to discuss with your insurance agency: Annual Mileage

Factors That Help Determine Home Insurance Premiums

Closing on a home is an exciting time and there are going to be a lot of different thoughts running through your head. More than likely your realtor or the lender has mentioned that it is important to have home insurance before you close on the house. In fact, most of the time the loan is approved on the basis that you have homeowners insurance. The good news is that it is usually not very hard to obtain, and there are going to be many insurance agents that are more than happy to give you quotes.

5 Tips For Reducing Your Home Insurance Rates

There are many factors that can affect your home insurance costs, such as your credit score and what neighborhood you live in. If your home insurance premiums are getting pricey, you probably feel frustrated. However, if you are willing to make some adjustments, you can lower your premiums. Here are five helpful tips for reducing your home insurance rates: Install a Security Alarm System One way to reduce your home insurance rates is to install a security alarm system in your home.

Looking Over Your Insurance Quote Before You Sign: Details Not To Miss

When provided with an insurance quote, very few people read the fine print. They generally assume that everything they wanted and needed in the policy is present, so they sign it and pay the first payment or the first annual payment. However, you should read the quote over before you sign it. There are many details you do not want to miss or misunderstand, and for which you should request clarification if you are unsure of what the policy says.

3 Tips For Keeping Business Insurance Costs Low

Running a successful small business can be challenging. With profit margins being slim, finding ways to reduce your overhead spending can be a simple and effective way to increase your company's profitability. Reducing your small business insurance costs can be an important tool when it comes to reducing overhead spending. Here are three tips that you can use to reduce your insurance costs in the future. 1. Bundle your policies.